Our Mattresses
Your mattress will be the basis for every nights sleep. Let us guide you through our collections of natural, organic and luxorious mattresses - get to know what is important for a your body to be considered when choosing the foundation for your next 10 or 15 years of sleep.

Out of the usual
SUPERIOR Mattresses
Our Superior mattress line combines the benefits of our top selling mattress Sleep-Line, as the orthopedic foundation, with the additional comfort of another 7.5 cm pure natural latex. The additional height does not offer additional assistance when entering and exiting your bed, it also gives you the "sleep in the cloud" feeling whenever you lay yourself onto the mattress. Given the combination with our superior mattress covers, quilted with the softest layers of pure new sheeps wool, camel down hair, luxurious Eri-silk fibers or plushy cotton, the softness is just superb. With the unadulterated baseline mattress cores, there is no better choice.
Combined with our mattress toppers, you can get 32cm of a pure natures' nest.

18cm, body zones, superior comfort quilted cover
Sleep-Line Mattresses
Finely balanced zones in the point-elastic natural latex ensure, or body supportive natural latex and coconut coir sandwich cores ensures that your body is perfectly supported in all sleeping positions. Topped with a selection of high quality fleece covers, you enjoy a soft level of support. Your hips can sink into the mattress. The special horizontal channels in the shoulder region make the pure latex zone style mattresses withing the Sleep-Line collection the ideal choice for side sleepers who prefer a medium-soft mattress.
For those who prefer stronger supportiveness, two specific mattress core choices with coconut coir layers between medium firm natural latex gives those who like to sleep on their fronts or backs, a perfectly balanced mattress between decent firmness and surface softness.
The sophisticated mattress comprises several layers. The point-elastic natural latex allows your body to sink into the surface. The springy latex coir in the center of the mattress provides stability.
And, as available for any of our mattresses, you and your partner can choose the most suitable mattress core each. As body shapes are so different, it would be strange to believe that every body type should use the same mattress. Therefore, combine two choices in one cover, if you like.

15cm Mattresses for any sleeping position
SAMAR Mattresses
Enjoy the outstanding properties of natural latex on the SAMAR mattresses. Thanks to the flexibility and point elasticity of the softest version of this mattress line, your body can sink right into the mattress and it adapts to every movement to fit around your body contours. Your whole body can enjoy fantastic support. For medium and firmer mattresses, we offer two options within this line, where point elastic natural latex is combined with the benefits of coco latex coir.
Adapt your SAMAR mattress to suit your needs. Choose between a climate-regulating, warming pure new wool lining or a moisture-regulating cotton lining. The latter also offering an ideal choice for allergy sufferers and vegans.
The highly durable organic cotton drill cover is removable and washable.
Your Mattress Selection
Following below points, will guide you through the crucial questions and details to be taken into account
At one glace: Important Questions to be answered:
Your weight & age
Weight is relevant to identify the limitations of different mattress core settings. In particular, certain weight thresholds will exclude specific mattress lines for your choice.
The heavier you are, the firmer the mattress should be. Also consider to choose higher mattresses for heavier weight.
Age can be relevant, as the human body and its requirements to a mattress change over a lifetime. Young people are often less sensitive, whereas a more comfortable, softer surface is preferrably chosen for elderly people. -
Body shape
Curvy body shape: The more edges, the more adaptive the surface section of the mattress needs to be. A curvy shaped body requires a thicker and more point elastic layer, in order to reduce pressure points.
->In addition, it is worth to take your already known problem zones into account. In case, e.g. your arm goes to sleep every night, this can be taken into consideration.
Straight and Flat body shape: as it is more likely that the gaps that need to be filled in are less pronounced, the your mattress should have a thin but soft comfort layer on the top. The core should excel in weight distribution. -
Sleeping position
Back and Stomach sleepers are better off on a somewhat harder, point / area-elastic mattress. Our mattresses are available in all degrees of firmness. Cores with one or more layers of latexed coconut make the mattress firmer, but it remains elastic. As a back sleeper, you choose a firmer 15cm pure latex, or a 18cm to 22.5cm with mixed layers of latex and coconut coir.
Side sleepers and those moving around during nights usually prefer softer, point-elastic mattresses. Pure natural rubber cores are the right choice here. For more curvy body shaped side sleepers, 7 zone cores with special, horizontal shoulder channels would be beneficial.
Your Mattress Selection
Higher Weight - More Suspension
Depending on your body weight, it is logical that your mattress requires less or additional material to provide the needed support. Natural latex comes with an extraordinary characteristic: point elasticity. This allows the material to be compressed very softly at exactly the spot where your body shape and weight gives the pressure, e.g. your shoulder, when lying on the side.
Imagine a soft sponge, pressing it down with just one finger. You can push down the whole sponge, ending at the bottom - which now feels as firm as the
table or surface under the sponge actually is. There is no more suspension effect left, as the material is just not enough to work efficiently. The same applies for your natural latex mattress core.
Depending on your body weight, you should choose a certain height, that allows the mattress to provide its orthopedic function.
For any body weight below 65, every mattress will do. The body is light enough to lay on the surface and the core will hardly be compressed. In this case, it is much more about the preferable haptic, than about the orthopedic setup.
Up to 80kg, it is sufficient to choose a 12 cm core, which our Samar Line offers.
For any body weight above approximately 80kg, we recommend a mattress core
of 15cm. Please check our SLEEP-Line mattresses.
Our Sleep-Line mattresses offer 7-zone or sandwich core designs, with our quilted mattress covers, adding even more material to the "suspension"-effect.
This offers a perfect sleep, for everybody up to 120kg.
For anyone who finds himself on a weight level of above 100kg, we do recommend one of our SUPERIOR mattress. This mattress offers the most versatile characteristics and with its 22.5 cm core, also enough suspension to provide stabilization and comfort in every sleeping position.

Sleeping position
Many people do not know in particular, how their body moves during night. So please try to identify your favorite position to lay down, before you fall asleep. This will be, by highest chance, the position most relevant for you to choose your next mattress.

Contours exposed
Side Sleepers
Sleeping on the side can be very cozy - and the majority of people prefer to sleep, at least for some time during night, on the side.
Due to the body anatomy, this way the body shape will have maximum impact on the mattress - and thus on your body itself.
Starting with your head and the thin, sensitive neck section, the often widest point of the human body needs to be placed orthopedically healthy as well. Shoulders and arms often go to sleep - and will hurt soon.
In order to account for this, the mattress needs to react point elastic, which means that one point can sink into the mattrass with minimized force, whereas the next part of you body is kept in a healthy, upright (horizontal) position. For this challenge, natural latex is the most feasible material. In order to optimize its capability, 7 zone mattress cores with special horizontal channels in the should area, will provide an optimal rest for the whole body.

supposed to be most orthopedic
Back Sleepers
For Back Sleepers, the challenge is far less related to body contours, except for the middle section of the back going down to the bottom. But the distance that need to be kept in balanced by the mattresses' material is far less of an issue.
For Back Sleepers, the core of the mattress needs to be shifted to less point elastic capabilities, increasing the surface pressure abilities. The latter ensures that the torso, where typically most of the body weight is concentrated, does not sink too deep into the mattress, leaving the lighter sections on the surface. This could lead to a very wrong positioning, that can easily lead to back pain and an unpleasent feeling.
For this reason, we use rubberized coconut coir, a fibre that will break the soft point elasticity of the top layer of the mattress and distribute the pressure from this point, to a wider area of the surface. This way, the body can firstly sink softly into the mattress, but will never sink too deep.

Face down
Stomach Sleepers
If you prefer to sleep on your front, you want to stay on top of the mattress. Nothing feels more unpleasant, than your back being bent and your belly feels to lay several cm under your upper body and legs level. A sophisticated mattress, ideally made for this application, comprises several layers. The springy latex-coco coir in the center of the mattress provides stability. Meanwhile, point-elastic natural latex allows your body to sink into the surface - just enough comfort, but ensuring an equally leveled positioning.
In order to support stiffer surface haptics, we recommend a mattress cover with a non-woven lining around the natural latex and coconut coir sandwich-core. This provides additional firmness at the very top.

Supreme Comfort
Within our quilting department, we produce all the fluffy outer covers for any of our mattresses inhouse. We do not only process comforters, pillows and toppers. The basis expertise is the same: the best and right material for the individual application. From the outer fabric, to the cozy filling fleece to provide the perfect comfort.
Our mattresses in the SLEEP-Line and SUPERIOR-Line collections, come with a very high quality quilted cover. The cover represents the immediate contact point between your body and the mattress. As a mattress core is responsible for the orthopedic capability, the cover is defining the comfort through insulation and temperture, as well as moisture regulating filling materials. For supreme comfort during the night, the technical sleeping position is not even half the story.
Mattresses for Babies, Children and Teenagers
The best addition to the bedtime story is a cozy nest made of high-quality natural materials. With our mattress selection for youngsters, we cover the whole growth phase with only two mattresses.
Using reversible sandwich cores, each mattress side offers the right firmness and comfort for a couple of years. With the durable material, the strong temperature and moisture regulating non-woven fleece and a washable cover, all made with 10% organic material, you can provide an organic and healthy foundation for your child.

Youth and Children's Mattresses
The versatile mattress for restful, healthy sleep at any age. The double-sided mattress that allows babies, children and teenagers to choose between the softer side featuring point-elastic natural latex and a firmer side with breathable latex coir. The mattress lining also helps to create balanced sleeping conditions.
Choose between a climate-regulating, warming pure new wool lining or a moisture-regulating cotton lining, which is ideal for allergy sufferers. The highly durable cover is made from organic cotton drill and is washable.

Crip mattress
Baby dreams
For babies, a solid mattress is crucial in the first one-two years of life. Only if the mattress provides an even and sophisticated surface, the little human body can develop.
We offer a baby and children mattress, with a two layer setup. On one side, the rubberized coconut coir gives a very firm, but elastic surface. In particular, it fulfill the regulations to prevent sudden infant death. In order to fulfill these criteria, the head of the baby may not sink into the surface of the mattress - always ensuring that there is an unrestricted breath flow.
To prevent feet and head entrapment and suffocation between the mattress and crib sides, the mattress is sized with minimal size tolerance and due to the firm coconut coir, there is a strong edge, with very little risk for a child to get the feed in between mattress and bed frame.
Only when the child is old enough, you may switch the mattress and use the second sandwich core layer, the natural and point elastic latex as the top side. This will provide more comfort and a perfect mattress for the further development of the childs body.

growing up fast
Children and Teenagers
Our mattresses are designed in an all aspects sustainlable way. To allow a long term usage, also our youth mattresses follow a two sided sandwich design.
When your child reaches about 120cm, it is getting time to switch from the crip to the next mattress. We recommend to switch to a 90x200cm bed and mattress. This size leaves enough space in the room, but is big enough to suite mom or dad as a guest during night.
The first years, the firm cocolatex core, covered with a thick non-woven fleece, is perfect for your child to find an orthopedically correct speeping position, in particular, when you observe your child sleeping on the back of stomach.
For side sleeping kids, you may choose the soft pure latex layer, making a more comfortable mattress.
The latter side will be usable, until your teenager exceeds a weight of approx. 60kg. But then, it is about the right time to our adult mattress collections.

Mattress Production
Mattress production - which is very similar to upholstry handcrafting, is real manual work. The individual layers of natural rubber and coconut rubber are placed on top of each other and covered with a fleece made of cotton or pure new wool. Then we sew the elements together loosely by hand. A cover made of drill or drill quilt brings the mattress into shape.
Conscientious manual work and control ensure the high quality and long service life of our products. All items are checked for possible errors in our incoming inspection and only flawless products are used in our production.