Our Team consists of professionals - sharing the same understanding of manufactory quality and state of the art production capabilities, product function & design, ethical material sourcing and putting the customer first.

In our product development and production, we put a lot of love to every detail. This is only possible, because our team of approx. 50 colleagues provide a strong commitment into this. Doing great things every day, they all help us live the Prolana values and develop further. We are particularly pleased about the collegial, friendly atmosphere in the development teams. Everyone contributes to the idea of perfect quality levels that you - our customers - expect from us and from ours products.
Adrian is the owner & CEO of Prolana in second gen. 2015 he took the responsibility to move the traditional textile company into future - and is committed to the valueable DNA, being reshaped in accordance with dedication to innovation, state of the art manufactory & team orientation.

Values & Innovation
Customer & Product Centricity
"At our location in Waldburg
we manufacture bedding products to the highest quality standards. But what really makes me proud, is the combination of sustainable & ecological aspects with those of the enthusiastic craft & innovative product development. Being like the most old fashioned hardcore "eco" warrier, we meanwhile are setting new standards to quality & credibility."
Jens Schröder, ppa. Director Sales & Marketing
Jens brings almost 30 years of experience in the bedding industry. Product design, functional propositions and the understanding of the customers' needs, is what he contributes to our team.

Values & Innovation
Organic Raw Materials & State of the Art manufactory
Since many raw materials don't grow locally, we have close partnerships worldwide to ecologically & fairly working companies and organizations. We are particularly proud of knowing the people who give their daily commitment.
As founding member of the Fair Rubber association (founded 2012), we are still today the world's only processor of fair rubber certified natural latex.
Being competitive still requires state of the art production capabilities, that continuously drive operational excellence.
Bashkim Musliaj, ppa. Director Operations
Bashkim has over 20 years of production experience in lean and just in time automotive & robotics production. His engagement helps us to migrate our manufactory from tradition to future and utilize our capabilties to a higher extend, fostering quality and design.